Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I will fill in the details later - that's how I normally do it.

I am starting a new blog, away from my old blog to discuss City issues. I've decided to re-start this exercise but am taking a vow of nicety. It is my desire to not blame anyone but to identify the thinking and strategy behind certain decisions. To engage in civil civic discourse is the purpose.

With that I will make a simple statement about the explosion at Sunrise Propane in Toronto, well, North York that is. Straight up, I'm not aware of all of the facts. There is an ongoing investigation that will, I'm sure, result in some form of conclusion and ideally, responsibility for the explosion. And that is exactly what should happen. That, and everyone should have some gratitude that safety zones did, in this instance, exactly what they were supposed to do.

The force of the explosion caused damage to homes. None of them caught fire and thankfully, there is only one death as a result of the fire itself and we all wish the best to the family of the District Fire Chief who gave his life in the line of duty. Again, gratitude.

There must be a review of the zoning by-law but that will occur in due course and there is nothing to indicate that it is in anyway insufficient. We must not leap to conclusions or bans or anything of the sort. One only has to wonder about the number of small IEDs in North York backyards, attached to Barbecues to realize the consequences of treating relatively safe and stable alternative fuels such as propane like some sort of latent incendiary device.

In the future, we will need more, not less alternative fuel sources. Innovators have developed home-based Hydrogen Refueling stations: How will react to that concept?

So, let's all have a nice summer barbecuing while we can. While some will try to use this for political points I'm sure Council will make a sound decision and do very little except ensure that By-laws are adhered to and keep pressure on other organizations to ensure standards are met. That is after all, what makes City Hall tick. In the meantime, everyone, neighbours, Councillors, staff, needs to take a deep breath and ensure that a sound investigation is allowed.

The last thing we need is some huge zoning change that costs a lot of taxpayer money in courts to revoke property rights in the name of making everyone drive further to get things like propane, firewood, Gas, Paint, Dry Cleaning, Dentistry and other basic activities with possibly dangerous or toxic side-effects. Put your helmet and seatbelt on and hit the gas! While you're at it, don't locate schools, seniors, the mentally challenged, the physically challenged in or near our residential neighbourhoods and keep all buildings under 10-storeys....I mean really.

There, nice, short, to the point and no angry man - just a bit of good ol' JP sarcasm!

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