Sunday, February 15, 2009

Now on Twitter!

For what it's worth, you can now follow my daily and sometimes minute-to-minute activities through my tweets on those of you (Mom) who may not be up to speed, Twitter is the newest, latest, greatest social networking tool (though Google has a new Twitter-style app with GPS-based location updates) that allow people to keep in touch in a brand new way.

Imagine you're out for a walk in a neighbourhood you aren't familiar with and you post a tweet or update to your page that you're out and about. What do you know but your best friend was there two weeks ago and knows a great restaurant. Perhaps through your network someone also knows a great art gallery and since you've also updated your Facebook page recently someone also lets you know that they are heading to the same hood if you'd like to grab a coffee.

That's just one of the potential ways that Twitter and other programs will change our world. Put all in the place of your hand too through a great share-ware program for your Blackberry that can be found at - check it out!

So...go to and you can view me at justincpeters .

Cheers Yo!

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