Friday, December 5, 2008

Notes from the Crisis

Well, Canadians will surely remember the last week for some time to come. If our 'Constitutional Crisis' does not inspire Canadians to think long and hard about the kind of electoral and governing system that we currently have and the kind that we desire and need, then our ability as a nation to survive the new global economy must certainly be questioned as well.

Peter Van Loan is on TV right now blabbing about their clear mandate. What a maroon! Then he keeps going back to the Liberal Party and their issues while Suhanna Marchant continues to ask her questions. Blabbermouth. I can't believe that a majority of Canadians want these bozos over a coalition of parties representing, well, a majority of Canadians. The polling that has been conducted must be flawed.

The Conservatives have injured unity in the country with their attacks on the Bloc. The Bloc is a Provincial-rights party as much if not more than they are a separatist party (hypocritically called a sovereigntist party in Quebec.)

The Conservatives are arrogant. They received a third of all votes cast. They did not win a majority of votes or seats. We don't vote for a President but if Canadians want to, then we should consider changing our system though I've already blogged about it.


Okay...I often believe that I called things even if they are rumours I've heard already so I'm going to start putting things in writing about what will happen in the future!

The US Congress will get Harper! Belinda Stronach will come back to lead the Liberal Party of Canada!

Here's my sneaking prediction! This one is admittedly a long-shot but those are often the wise shots - especially when you're down 3 points in the championship, as the Liberals are right now.

So, what am I talking about? Here goes....The US Congress will provide a bailout for 2 of the Big 3. Ford and GM will be helped while Chrysler will be either left to its own devices or taken over by the federal government in order to manage its break-up and sale, perhaps to the other two, though don't overlook some foreign maker like Indian company Tata Motors.

At any rate, Chrysler's failure or sale over the next few months, heck the lack of a bailout package for them undoubtedly would cause its near immediate, shall we say, adjustment? This will cause at best temporary plant closures and a reduction of up to 1/3rd of the auto sector in North America, I would guess. The ripple through the economy will be huge.

If that happens, or Congress does nothing, or Congress waits for Obama, or Bush bails out 2 of 3 the Automakers, then there will be a huge pile of complaint letters waiting for Steve when he gets back to his job after his 6 week sojourn. The irony of the coalition is that they wanted to act now but due to Harper's ego and the apparent ignorance of many Canadians, their action has inadvertently created a vacuum of economic leadership in our country. But I blame Harper, not the majority of members of the House of Commons.

IF this happens as I predict and jobs are lost in the auto manufacturing and parts supply industries, then Ontario's vote-rich 905 region will have boiling blood to welcome Tory MPs out trying to garner public opinion. If nothing else, Harper has gambled these people's future as much as he has his own in a high-stakes game of political maneuvering. They will ring the collective necks of conservatives if there is any significant downturn in the economic sector in the next 6 weeks which brings me to my next big point...

I read in the Globe and Mail this morning that many Liberals are chatting about the possibility of someone running for the leadership who is very strong on economic issues and is pro-business and that no one has really been talking about. The Liberal commenting went on to refer to 'her' considerations for running and to 'her' in several other instances. Who could that possibly be?

Here it is - the Liberals absolutely need to take back the 905. Hilary Clinton and Sarah Palin's emergence in the US have recently generated huge support for women in politics in North America, Hockey Moms and centrist candidates. The rivalry between Rae and Ignatieff threatens to ruin the party at a time when it needs solidarity - in a classic Liberal way I am torn one day to the next. I lean to Rae's politics and beliefs while thinking Iggy is the better candidate for a centre-right Canadian electorate, particularly in the West.

Belinda came to the Liberals during the brief Paul Martin era. Stronach has run a national leadership campaign before. Many tories, particularly democracy and institution-respecting conservatives are upset with Harper and the conservatives and the lack of an action plan. Stronach would be incredibly popular in the 905 and in the West.

I truly believe that this will happen. Our second female Prime Minister and leader of the next Canadian coalition government will be Belinda Stronach. You heard it here first!

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