Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Trump's Esteem rises for Me

While he has not yet taken back his McCain endorsement, something the Donald just said to Wolf Blitzer causes me to take back my recent blog about him being less than smart. (in fact, I think he's crazy like a fox!)

"I was disappointed cause I thought Pelosi was going to go after Bush and impeach him." Blitzer: So you think the President should have been impeached? For what?
Trump: "For lying to us about the war. They impeached Clinton for something far less meaningful, in fact something meaningless."
Blitzer: "but they'll say based on the intelligence at the time..."
Trump: "Come on Wolf. I don't buy that. You don't buy that. You're too young and smart a guy to buy that."

That's a paraphrase. Trump went on to talk about how Iraq is screwed up and has been by Bush and the fact that the moment they leave, Iraq will collapse and Iran will fill the vacuum. He quite rightly pointed out that in fact, Saddam had been very harsh towards terrorists.

"The United States has been stupidly managed for the last 8 years."

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