Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Palin go away

Oh my god. It's now a week since Obama crushed McCain in the US general election (by relative terms.) I was hoping that talkin-loud-and-saying-nothing Alaska Governor Sarah Palin would fade into history as a bizarre footnote.

Unfortunately, the media and Palin herself refuses to take the first step in displaying any modesty or in hinting at an ability to lose gracefully! Her basic understanding of the principles of democracy, capitalism and politics are sadly lacking. Progressive taxation sounds like socialism to her and Joe The Plumber.

Wolf Blitzer is interviewing her right now on CNN. It's pathetic. She's complaining about Obama, worrying about his association with William Ayres and using her patented keep talking without a breath until you get every talking point out style! Arrrggghhhh!

A viewer just asked via the web if, in accordance with something Palin had said prior to the election that "God's will was done on election day." She squirmed out of that one, "That's not really what I said..." I guess White Lies aren't a sin?

She's now offering advice to President-elect Obama about how and who he should form his cabinet. She's complaining that the questions are all slanted - this is a travesty if you've ever worked on politics. All she does is complain that she's constantly confronted by clarifications to her position or answers to what she believes. "Do you have any questions from anyone who voted for McCain?" Waaaaa...give me fluffy good press Wolf! No fair...

She made statements in this interview about her son being under the guidance of Obama as Commander in Chief. She may be the only person in America who thinks that Obama will put her child into harms way rather than removing him from it - something McCain surely would have done. Obama has also put forward solutions for the problems in Veterans Care and support for returning soldiers. She did express some faith in Obama but then she said something about her son "serving for all the right reasons." What? What are the wrong reasons for serving one's country?

These are the small things that indicate a person's intelligence. Examples of stupidity revealing phrases include Bush Malapropisms and the over-use of words such as like, also, too. Palin uses 'also'. And she throws out lines that bely her lack of intelligence. I'm not saying she's not a good mother or a good Governor. But the job of Governor is extremely different than that of President. There are far more menial tasks like plowing state highways and buying sand and salt for those roads. The President doesn't do such things.

McCain has shown nothing but class. He read the writing on the wall the weekend before and made fun of Palin on SNL and poked a bit at himself. McCain almost pulled it off due to his display of this strength of his character and the independence he has shown through his career - I believe his SNL appearance and his concession speech leave us with the memory of his career to date in tact.

Palin...Is going to be over-exposed and if she sticks around too long before educating herself about national economic issues, basic tenants of political theory, the system of checks and balances at the Federal level (for instance, knowing that the VP doesn't 'run' the Senate) and familiarizing herself with at least one Supreme Court decision she runs the greater risk of labeling/branding herself a dingbat. McCain has taken a nice rest, gone away from the cameras and tried to defuse the air from the election - showing a true understanding that the public wants a new body politic led by Obama.

Palin instead seems to believe she can run for 2012 starting today and mistakenly believes that this is the way to positively raise her profile. She's coming off as classless, unwilling to listen to voters, a sore loser, a complainer, a whiner and yes, an elitist - I don't agree with the electorate is never something you want to say as a losing politician. She is on her way to the electoral and historic trash heap...she needs to shut up and go back to Alaska and run her state well. If she's wise, she'd run for Senate at the next possible chance and aim to run for the Presidency in 2016, not 2012. the end, I hope she keeps it up! Keep talkin' Sarah! Stay in front of the cameras and whine away and offer Barack Obama unsolicited condescending advice. Palin is Idiocracy.